Thursday, November 22, 2001

Could more of you take up smoking? I hate being the only one. Thank you.
Here I am having fun when I keep thinking that I should have stayed home and had a Thankcgiving for my rag-tag group of friends. Three of you said that you weren't going anywhere. I bet between the four of us we could have managed to put on a fine T-day feast...and laughed and sang while we did it.
This year I am at my cousins in the Capitol Hill section of Seattle. It is nice. My younger brother is at my house and will be spending the day in Chicago at his gf's parents house. My older brother, well I need to make some repairs there, and I dearly miss my nephew who is the rockingest kind on the planet.
Happy T-day everyone!
Oh and if YOU happen to come here...Yes, I am thinking of you too.

Tuesday, November 20, 2001

Okay I can't sleep...too jazzed. So I went off to discover who invented duct tape. OMG! You cannot imagine how many people LOVE duct tape. Hahahaha! I think they love it even more than me. I found an opera dedicated to it "La Forza de Duct Tape" and lots of satire ABOUT duct tape. Many inventors Use duct tape. Yet I still haven't found the one true person/persons who created the stuff. Someone must know. Back to it...bye.

Monday, November 19, 2001

I have a new friend. His name is Trace. He told me this. "Creatives live in the drama of their work. They refuse to be live in what Freud called "the normal misery."
I think this is similiar to Thoreau's "lives of quiet desperation." The ones who work to buy a box to live in and do the same thing over and over and over until they are dead. You can find these people filling up the shopping malls in every town in America.
I have a lot of questions about the box part. I haven't figured out how to avoid it. Houseboat? Travel trailer? And if that is the choice, where does one grow a garden?
Time for me to shut up. I have been loud today. I always get pumped right before I leave on a trip.
Sorry for all of the infliction.
Where was the white buffalo born? 'nuff said
Brouhaha over…NOTHING
One night last week I watched a Nova/PBS program on biotox. It was very up-to-date and extremely informative. Basically a poison needs to be between 2 and 5 microns to be ingested into the lungs and if you mix silica with the biotox it has a second life so the targets can inhale even more.
You know the mask that Michael Jackson wears? Get one of those and you will be spared.
Oh, and always have duct tape on hand. It can seal up your house and save you. I wonder who made duct tape. It is the best product we have on earth. I’ll have to check on that.
Did you know others and we have being doing biotox experiments for many years? It’s true.
Also it seems that the sloppy Russians have unguarded biotox in sheds and lean-tos across their nation so we must be willing to pay for them to clean it up. Remember when they reported that black market goods in Russia were important because otherwise you could end up with a pair of shoes for two right feet? That is how sloppy they are.
Following this program was another Nova special on how to save yourself. I fell asleep. So I don’t know that part and can’t pass on any info. Sorry.
Everything seems at risk, doesn’t it? So much anxiety-making, yet…
Saturday night I watched the Leonid meteor shower. It was amazing! Men, women, and children all over the world strained their necks upward to view the heavens. We were happy.
But guess what…
While everyone was oohing and aahing a large meteor could have struck earth. The heat from the friction of the object entering our atmosphere would have fried everything for miles around.
That hypothetical meteor would hit earth at 75% velocity throwing black dust high into our atmosphere and filtering out the sunlight for weeks, possibly months. The planet could cool. Acid rain and wildfires would follow the collision.
In Arizona there is an area called Meteor Crater where a large meteor already crashed to earth. It has actually happened.
The biotoxing of America hasn’t happened…ever.
So you see it is all a matter of perspective. Biotox, Biosmox. Don’t always believe what the government and the media tell you to be afraid of. They can be wrong. They can be manipulative.
You aren’t afraid to drive your car, are you? Okay. You go out there everyday with a knowing, a hoping that someone doesn’t smash front end into you. Do you worry about it? Nope, you just live.

I might Blog the trip, if I have time.
Great weekend! Went to a Sonic Boom party, drank an atomic martini, and watched shooting stars. See more ...Comets + Love Wishes and Crazee stuff about Sonic Booms!
Sunday my cell phone died. I was at my brothers and he put me on this special offer thing he had received with his bill. So now I have a new phone, a new # (different from his), and a new contract. My bill is separate but it goes to his house...hahahaha! I gave him 3 to cover me for a few months. Cool, isn't it? Plus I save about 30 a month on his plan. So group up on a phone plan if you want a good deal. Check it out.
It was so much fun spending Sunday with my brother. I hadn't had any time just him and me for a loooong time.
Oh and after I did the phone thing we went next door and I bought a new laptop! Yes! Tomorrow I leave for the Pacific Northwest...perfect. Usually I go off on trips unconnected because I want it like that, but not this time. Seattle, B.C., Oregon here I come!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!