Thursday, March 21, 2002

Spring Equinox 1:16 today...the days grow longer and longer until it is summer and still light at 9 p.m. when you see the dance of the fireflies. Right now it is dark and snow is covering the ground. I need a blanket.

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

Aha! Today I took a new route to Mactown. I think I have hit upon a secret key.
Villa Vaupell! First I see a billboard that says RAMIS PROPERTIES and has an arrow pointing in the same direction I am going to turn. A few miles up I see a small sign that says LAKE GRISWOLD. This is located in a small rattletrap housing area on a lake. It is the kind of place where peeps from Chicago that didn’t have too much money built summerhouses many years ago.
Well, anytime I see the word GRISWOLD I think of “Christmas Vacation.” CLARK GRISWOLD.
Bill Murray is from Chicago. And his SNL pals were Chevy Chase, and Harold Ramis,
among others, like Belushi. Maybe Ramis is from Chicago. Yes! I just checked…born 1944 in Chicago! And yes he did write a bunch of SNL and National Lampoon stuff!
So my thinking is this: The Ramis family had a summer house and possibly a business in Villa Vaupell and Harold invited his buddies there to party, and when they wrote “CV” they used the name of the lake as Chevy’s character’s last name.
An inside joke.

Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Me & Him

I need to stop dating Babbits. Instead I would like to write about something meaningful, like the freaky aromas of the 60s, the self-actualization mantras of the 70s, the S&L scandals and astronauts of the 80s, the narcissium of the 90s, the whinny corporate irresponsibilty right now. Maybe I will. Maybe in ten centuries, or tomorrow, depends on hormones.
...he has a vague, elusive quality about a half-remembered Wilco song.
1) I am the leader of a large Western nation—you'd recognize the name—one that trumpets its devotion to democracy. In the election that brought me to power, I received far fewer votes than my opponent, but our peculiar rules made me the victor. (It's a wild story.) For me to continue in office is legal, but is it ethical?—G.W.B., Washington
---from The Ethicist

Does a dirty win ever wash itself clean?
Vote! Vote! Vote! Today is the primary.
How come a voter must declare a party today?
I feel strongly on two races, one Democrat, one Republican, but I could only vote for one. Yes, I did take the Republican ballot. Don't faint. I am just trying to be wise and logical. I try to hear individuals, not their party lines. Sometimes that is hard to do.
Vote! Vote! Vote! Be willing to take a stand.

Monday, March 18, 2002

He called this morning, “I’m bored. Want to spend 3 days in Jamaica?”
Like I could say no.
He thinks I will change my mind. I won’t. Once a woman makes up her mind
She isn’t going to change it. Not to the big “M” question.
He could twirl me around the world in 80 days, give me everything on my wish list, none of it would matter. No means no.
If I were a better person I would not go with him. I would not give him the idea of “us.” But I’m not.
It is March, dreary, I want to get a tan and snorkel with the beautiful fish.
Someday I may be better, right now I am still the girl in the Land Rover commercial, “Take me with you!”

Sunday, March 17, 2002

I want your soul...Gimme Gimme Gimme