Thursday, March 28, 2002
Wednesday, March 27, 2002
Strange Days
This is important. If this doesn’t light your fuse, then you are dead.
Our state (Illinois) government is utilizing “homeland security” to gain dictatorial powers and unconstitutional powers over its citizens.
Under the proposed Emergency Health Powers Act…House Bill 3809/Senate Bill 1529…citizens would be forced to submit to medical exams, tests, medications and vaccines. And if you refuse or resist you will be detained, quarantined and fined.
The government would have “quick-take” powers of eminent domain and under this act could seize your home and possessions without any reimbursement.
You can find more info at .
It is YOUR civil liberties that will be taken away. Plus your personal freedom over your own body will evaporate.
Fight this nonsense. Write your senators and representatives. Make noise. Tell the powers that be that this is not acceptable. Do it now. The new administration is particularly adept at rushing bills through unnoticed. Open your eyes. Please.