Greebbs \long ee’s\ n anagram for “greedy blind bastards” (updates the term yuppie)
Refers to a person, actually usually a couple, who live in an ostentatious mini-mansion, on a treeless lot, who considers pedigreed pets and children to be status symbols. Both parents have careers, child/children is/are neurotic. They are fearful of almost everything (oh ish), and are very fond of making rules for others in their community to live by.
Their highest priority is themselves…what they drive, where they live, their outward appearance. They are spiritually bankrupt, rude, aggressive, materialistic, and quite blind to what is happening in the world around them. They have become their own God.
If you see a pair of greebbs with or without their whiny lackluster children suffocate them. Better yet, throw them in the river, baptize them into the human race.
Refers to a person, actually usually a couple, who live in an ostentatious mini-mansion, on a treeless lot, who considers pedigreed pets and children to be status symbols. Both parents have careers, child/children is/are neurotic. They are fearful of almost everything (oh ish), and are very fond of making rules for others in their community to live by.
Their highest priority is themselves…what they drive, where they live, their outward appearance. They are spiritually bankrupt, rude, aggressive, materialistic, and quite blind to what is happening in the world around them. They have become their own God.
If you see a pair of greebbs with or without their whiny lackluster children suffocate them. Better yet, throw them in the river, baptize them into the human race.