Saturday, January 26, 2002

Tomorrow I meet J for lunch. He has music for me! Something about anticensorship and witch music. What a combo! Can't wait!

Thursday, January 24, 2002

It is my understanding that go-go boots only came in one color:white vinyl. All other boots were just boots.
I am feeling good. A "special" friend just popped into my mind. He took a roadtrip and he is doing great. It is like a bunch of junk fell off of him while he was traveling. To have him be happy is one of my greatest wishes! KISS!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2002

Yes! I went to the link and listened. "Sanjae" was nice. I really liked "Here & Now" The diggeroo and traps in the background were very very nice. Wish I was an "air" person. I'd go for the diggeroo...sounds like the soul trying to talk. Musically, I think I would be good as one of the bell people. I am jazzlike, improvisational, I just make stuff up and go out on my own limb.
There are not too many clear voices in this Age of Nonsense. Remember this name: Armstrong Williams. He goes for what is right, looking beyond biases of color, gender, weight, height, length of hair, clothing labels,or political affliation. I like him.