Friday, January 04, 2002

Give yourself a chance. Wilco (will comply) over HERE It might just be worth your soul.

Thursday, January 03, 2002

I receive the craziest comments on my Spank me! Happy B-day site SPANK!!! So many peeps love to be spanked. Maybe I am destined to become a dom.
Hmm...and I was just considering becoming a dance teacher for children...maybe a tai chi class, and one on yoga...the possibilities keep mounting up.
The new man said this: "Your face is shaped like a heart. You must be all about love." Wheeeew! I had to take him home, didn't I?
Okay so it was windy and my widow's peak was still counts.

Wednesday, January 02, 2002

Does the primary embalming take place somewhere around 50? If so, why does the brain still sparkle with brilliance?
He said I would be too wiggily and make too much noise. He called me an exciteable girl. He said, at his age, he needs a quiet filly.
Yes you are right...summer of love was 1967.
Yesterday all race horses had a birthday. I don't get Las Vegas and that whole gambling routine, but..."and they're off...Pal Mike rounds the bend with Starlight Six right behind, Gas Fumes pulls to the outside nosing out Make It Big,and here they come into home stretch, Gypsum Green takes the lead, Tony Manatti drives Bluebuckle hard, it's Robbernaut and Miss Kitty neck and neck. What a race folks. We need to wait for the photofinish to call this one."
Now that I get. Wheehoo! I wish it was summer!

Tuesday, January 01, 2002

Happy New Year Everyone! I'm going for a peace & love year...kinda like my own version of "The Summer of Love" which I think was 1968. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Wanna join me?