Friday, December 07, 2001

My aunt has been staying at my house for a few weeks now while she is on business in the city. Kinda nice! (Although I am quite accustomed to spending more time by myself...and liking it) So please make sure it is me you are speaking to on messenger!!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT SAY ANYTHING RISQUE!!!!!!!! She has her own computer but it has gone down a few times and she used mine.
This is all rather hilarious since I am living among packed boxes and YES! I have put up Christmas lights. I won't miss it even if this house thing is stalling. Looks like Jan now.
The coolest thing that has happened is that two people that I met some time ago have reconnected with me. Just out of the blue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cool! It is nice to have so many people around me during the holidays, plus it is nice in a perverse way to know that I don't have sole ownership of profound sadness during this season.
Last night I made my Christmas cards. Very LuLuesque!l Plus I was inspired to make everyone a Xmas CD. It rocks!!!!!!! I'll put the playlist up on my P.C. website.
Oh and I have been sharing myself...I am making websites for a few friends and family. It's all about giving, right?

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

Angelfire was down most of the night. now the ED link is working :) Check him out! and NO! I do not like to share.

Monday, December 03, 2001

I am madly in love! His name is ED. Only two minimalisticly wonderful!) Oh he is soooooooooo handsome he makes me want to scream. He has the BEST smile and I like his big ears. HA! His real name is Tom (still only three letters) Here he is:
Okay okay I confess I have watched a LOT of teevee in the past few days because I have been sick and have zero energy. That's how I found ED! He is a bowling alley lawyer and you can see him on Monday night 5 which I think is NBC.
Oh when I found his pic online the article was from 2000 so I guess I am very late in finding him. Maybe he is already taken. BooHoo!
Watch him anyway cause he is so damn handsome!!!!!!!!!!
it's a long way to Tipperary/it's a long way to go...
I spent yesterday in a different part of the country. We talked about the war. They said things I haven't even heard. It was strange. I kept thinking what planet am I on. I wonder if different news is dished out to different parts of the country. Curious. Is there such a thing as "regional think?"
I wonder if anyone else is having a problem with this :
Osama bin Laden...Jesus=same look
someone once said...

Sunday, December 02, 2001

BF took me up to the lake today. I figured I could be sick up there as well as here and I have regained some strength plus I am not sleeping every other hour. So I went.
Oh the lake! It sparkled like ice cubes in a glass of Stoli! I feel so good right now I could climb up on the roof of my house and zip! fly all over the neighborhood!
(I'll tell you some of the cool stuff later.)
Let me preface this with the fact that I am NOT delirious! Over the last 3 days I saw horses kissing, not once but 3 times. Different horses in different locations. I swear it is true. It was a most beautiful sight!
Seeing horses out in pasture, just two alone on a hill, isn't rare here. I live in horse country. Yet I have never seen them kiss. Not even when I was a tadpole taking riding lessons.
Today I tried to take a picture of the last two, but they had moved by the time I turned the car around. I still took a shot...two beautiful paint geldings. (Which means they weren't exactly boys or girls, if you know what I mean.) Anyway I was about 50 feet from the horses and snap! the click of my camera spooked them. Horses are so sensitive.
It makes me think of Roxanne, my trainer, telling me to always look in the direction you want to go since the horse can tell which way you are looking. That thought still amazes me.
I do know that Mighty could sense me coming into the barn before he could even see me. I would hear him whinny and I swear he would smile when he saw me. He was very into nuzzling. The carrots probably helped too. Ha!
I wish I had a pic of the way the decorated his stall door. It was an amazing collage of beads and drawings and pics and flowers and ribbons and lovehearts. I added to it each lesson. Wish I had a new pic of Mighty too. Ooops that might be a needful wish S King-style, so no thanx.
Wish I had a pic of kissing horses though!
I just finished part 1 of the new Jack & The Beanstalk. I love fairy tales, so it was a must-see. I think they hold deep secrets just like all of the Ray Bradbury stuff I read when I was a teenager.
The story is building up a bit slowly. Mia Sarah plays a messenger, as a plot device, who moves the story from here to there. Beauty isn't enough in a fairy tale or even a James Bond story. The naked spygirls were always sharp-witted. The writers flunked. Parts of the MS character (her actions in particular) really don't make sense.
The rest is nice...the visuals, the characters, the costumes. They made the giant a buffoon. He wears a jacket appliqued with CD's. Now that's a way to always have your music with you!
I always visualized the giant as hairier, quite mean, but also very very clever. How would a stoopid dud achieve an empire based on a gold-laying, harp-seduced goose?
I'm eager for part 2. That's when the good stuff should happen.
MERMAID ALERT: Hi Sailor!!! You could show up on my doorstep and have 3 eyes and 19 ears and it wouldn't matter. The fishhooks have gone too deep. *gasp*