Friday, June 07, 2002

It was just a brief fling. Scot (one T) Pollard got me interested, Bibby took over, then they lost. I still like Bibby though. I like how he reacts to stuff.
No more b-ball for me. I was only about the Kings and they are out. I could care less who wins.
I'm off planting flowers and flirting with rockstar dudes. It's summer!
Today the dragonflies and swallowtails arrived. It's still a bit damp from 4 days of boomy thunderstorms. If you look really close, you can actually see the moisture being sucked out of the ground and the plants
.I planted flats and flats of flowers. The Gerbia daisies seem to tickle me most. The colors are flourescent!
West Nile virus has been diagnosed in 3 dead birds. I'm going to install giagantic fans in my yard. Go away mosquitoes.
This is just a precautionary...they aren't hatching...yet.
Maybe I should move to SF, fierce winds. I'm going downcoast from there tomorrow.
Oh Oh...I once talked to a cop online. When I used the word "perp" he said "you must have been in the system." and he turned strange. Wrong, rocky. Cops are highly suspecious. Don't bluesky with them. You might find yourself in handcuffs.

Thursday, June 06, 2002

Three of my dude relatives went camping/splelunking in Iowa over the M-day weekend. At the campground they spied WANTED posters offering a $15,000 reward for finding a dead man's dismembered body wrapped in plastic. They searched for two days. Even the dogs couldn't find the man. They wanted to split the reward. Saturday morning C.M. gave up. He said he was tired of hunting a dead man. He wanted to look for fossils instead.
Wise move.
I now have a new pendant...a fossil cave rock with a hole in in. It is on a black cord with two beads and a string of 3 silver stars with blues stones inside.
How cool is that?
BTW how did the cops know the body was dismembered and wrapped in plastic? Did the perp confess then forget where he left the guy?

Mary is in Minne
I'm still taking heat on this. Did I drag my friends there? Nope.
Pop culture rocks. Dig it.
Brass and blowsy, Wizconsin is a place where people speak their minds and aren't reluctant to speak to strangers....especially about sports and politics.

Wednesday, June 05, 2002

An apple,
hard and firm,
grows soft...
when baked in honey.

Tuesday, June 04, 2002

She stopped to pick up a friend for an event. He was mumbling while getting ready. "I don't know why good grooming is so important?"
"It's don't clean up, you will reek and a dog will come up, mistake you for another dog, and fuck you in the ass."
"Now that's a good reason. "